Teachers in both arts and academic classes challenge you to go farther, push your limits and create. But the day doesn’t end at 2:20 pm. We have a selection of extra curricular activities that students can engage in. From MARMY (the filmmaking and photography club), to the dance concerts, National Honor Society, Anime Club, Student Counsel, Jazz Combo, Jazz Choir, at the One Act Play, you can find something to spark your interest as a student artist at PiM. Each teacher also makes time after the bell rights to assist you if you need help, or to make up a missing assignment. Students also participate in a fall and spring dance, Prom, and our monthly student variety show, NO SHAME.
Our Counseling Department is open to help student artists find the support they need in searching for a great post high school option, applying for a job, or just a safe place to talk.
Check out a listing of our Block 5 (after school) offerings by clicking here.