Word of the Day Givi Stoner’s word of the day is pleonasm. Which is using more words than are necessary to convey a meaning, redundancy. Pleonasm. Flex Reminder Hey all, don’t forget you can start signing up for flexes an entire week prior to the flex! That means you don’t even have to wait for […]
Daily Announcements for 9/6/24
Word of the Day Givi Stoner’s word of the day is lexicographer. Which is a person who compiles dictionaries or someone who simply knows a lot of words. Lexicographer. NO SHAME Gallery Don’t forget, the deadline to submit your artwork for PiM’s first NO SHAME Gallery of the year is due THIS SUNDAY September 8th […]
Daily Announcements for 9/5/24
Word of the Day Givi Macías’ word of the day is etymology. Which is the study of words. Etymology. FINAL NO SHAME REMINDER We want you in NO SHAME! Make sure you turn in your application to Mrs. McKnight in the choir room (room 155) by TOMORROW – Friday September 6th. Good Ones Magazine If […]
Daily Announcements for 9/4/24
Word of the Day Givi Macías’ word of the day is logastellus. Which is a persons whose love for words outweighs their actual knowledge of them. Logastellus. Good Ones Magazine Good Ones Magazine is PiM’s student-run magazine that reports on PiM students, events, culture, and more. If you would like to learn more about our […]
Daily Announcements for 9/3/24
Word of the Day Givi Stoner’s word of the day is logolepsy. Which is an obsession or deep fascination with words. Logolepsy. DnD Club Are you interested in playing DnD but have no experience? Mr. Mayers’s Thursday Flex is the one for you! We’ll be covering the basics, taking you through how to make a […]
Daily Announcements for 8/29/24
Word of the Day Givi Stoner’s word of the day is commencement. Which is a beginning or start. commencement. Lunch in the Cafeteria Please remember that all lunches happen in the cafeteria and you should remain in the cafeteria until the bell dismisses you. Thanks! Breakfast & Lunch Breakfast and Lunch are free, but remember […]
Daily Announcements for 8/27/24
Word of the Day Givi Macías’ word of the day is emergence. Which is the process of coming into being or coming into view. Emergence. Announcements The daily announcements are posted in your Advisory Google classroom – so you can always go back and get the details you missed – or stay up to date […]
Daily Announcements for 5/28/24
Word of the Day Amy Stoner’s word of the day is finis. Which is the end. Finis. Art Supplies If you took a visual arts class and borrowed supplies from Sunnie, Grover, Mandy, or Jo to work on projects at home, PLEASE return it before the end of the week. You know who you are…thank […]
Daily Announcements for 5/24/24
Word of the Day Amy Stoner’s word of the day is denouement. Which is the final part of a story that brings together and resolves the strands of plot. Denouement. Student Medications Students are able to pick up medication at the end of any school day through the last day of school, May 30th. – […]
Daily Announcements for 5/23/24
Word of the Day Amy Stoner’s word of the day is elapse. Which is a passage of time. Elapse. Student Medications With the end of the school year on the horizon, all student medications need to be picked up. Students are able to pick up medication at the end of any school day through the […]
Daily Announcements for 5/21/24
Word of the Day Amy Stoner’s word of the day is finale. Which is the dramatic last part of a piece of music or performance. Finale. PiM Singers Auditions PiM Singers Auditions are happening now and run until the end of the school year. Each audition is 10 minutes long in the choir room. Sign […]
Daily Announcements for 5/21/24
Word of the Day Amy Stoner’s word of the day is Peroration. Which is to inspire enthusiasm in the audience. Peroration. Lettering Orders All letter jackets and patches need to be ordered by Thursday – that’s two days away. Forms are on The Callboard. Mr. Leaf’s email is wleaf@pimartshs.org. Chromebooks We will begin collecting Chromebooks […]
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