NO SHAME One week from today is the deadline. Remember that it’s due at the BEGINNING of the day. Your Quarter 2 Class Schedule Students, please review your schedule for Quarter 2. Are there changes you want to propose? Your paperwork for course changes, Self-Directed Study, Capstone, or Teacher Assistant must be submitted no later […]
Daily Announcements for 10/21
Field Trip Permission Slips Our first all school field trip is coming up THIS Fri., Oct. 23. This is a regular school day, and all students are expected to attend this field trip. If you have not done so already, please turn in a field trip permission slip no later than tomorrow so that you […]
Daily Announcements for 10/20
National College Fair Starts Tomorrow All Juniors and undecided Seniors should plan to attend the National College Fair in the Minneapolis Convention Center! See Ms. Soskin if you have questions. Your Quarter 2 Class Schedule Students, please review your schedule for Quarter 2. Are there changes you want to propose? Your paperwork for course changes, […]
Daily Announcements for 10/19
Columbia College Chicago and Lawrence Visits to Main Street Admissions Officers from Columbia College Chicago and Lawrence University will be at Main Street to meet with students tomorrow. Sign up sheets are outside Ms. Piner’s office. Yearbook It’s time for a round of discounts. Until the end of the month, your order is 10% off […]
Daily Announcements for 10/14
NACAC National College Fair in Minneapolis Next Wednesday, October 21st, and Thursday, October 22nd, the National College Fair is in Minneapolis! All Juniors and Seniors who are still looking for schools should plan to attend. See Ms. Soskin for more information. Europe Travel Interested in seeing Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre? London Bridge? Italian sunsets? Come to […]
Daily Announcements for 10/13
Luther College Visit to Main Street A representative from Luther College will visit Main Street on Friday, October 23rd. All interested students should sign up outside Ms. Piner’s door. Ukulele Club Tomorrow after school. Come and bring a friend. MANstreet Sorry, gents. No rehearsal today. Your Quarter 2 Class Schedule Students, please review your schedule […]
Daily Announcements for 10/12
4 Colleges at Main Street Tomorrow Tomorrow St. Catherine’s, Berklee College of Music, the Boston Conservatory and UNC School of Arts will visit Main Street. To meet the admissions representatives and get information about the schools, sign up outside Ms. Piner’s office. Field Trip Permission Slips Our first all school field trip is coming up […]
Daily Announcements for 10/9
College Information Sessions at Main Street Next Tuesday, October 13th, Admissions Representatives from St. Catherine’s, Berklee College of Music, the Boston Conservatory, and University of North Carolina School of Arts will be here to meet with students. This is a great opportunity to check out some great schools! Sign up outside Ms. Piner’s door. National […]
Daily Announcements for 10/8
Fall Dance Concert All dancers involved in Thurs. and Fri. rehearsals, please check the boards outside either dance studio regarding MANDATORY make-up rehearsals for last week’s cancellations. Please talk to your choreographer directly if you have any questions or concerns. Bag Lunches on Field Trip Day Tomorrow is the last day to turn in your […]
Daily Announcements for 10/7
Four Colleges Visit Main Street Next Tuesday Berklee College of Music, St. Catherine’s, the Boston Conservatory, and UNC School of Arts will conduct information sessions at Main Street next Tuesday. All interested students should sign up outside Ms. Piner’s door. NO SHAME The deadline to perform in the next NO SHAME, which is November 6, […]
Daily Announcements for 10/6
St. Olaf Comes to Main Street An Admissions officer from St.Olaf will be at Main Street this Thursday to meet with students and to provide information about the school. This is a great opportunity to meet with admissions and ask questions. Sign up on the door outside Ms. Piner’s office. Parking Students who park in […]
Daily Announcements for 10/5
Parking Students who park in the school parking lot need to park in the far southeast corner of the lot or at another location tomorrow, Wed., and Thurs. this week because St. Gabriel’s has funerals for parishioners scheduled on those days. Field Trip Permission Slips Our first all school field trip is coming up on […]