Twelve Angry Jurors Audition forms are due TODAY! Get them to Ms. Cadwell or the office before you leave the building. Audition forms and monologues can be found at the google classroom: nv8sbn. An audition schedule will be posted first thing Tuesday morning with your assigned slot on the call board outside of the room […]
Announcements for 9/3
Senior Parent/Student Meeting All Seniors should plan to attend an important meeting next Tuesday, September 8th, at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. Information about a variety of senior year topics will be discussed. Twelve Angry Jurors Tomorrow, people! Tomorrow is the deadline to submit those audition forms to Ms. Cadwell or the office. Those of […]
Announcements for 9/2
Mandatory Ambassadors Meeting Today at 2:30 in the cafeteria. See Ms. Montgomery with any questions. NO SHAME What’s NO SHAME? It’s amazing. It’s also coming up. Work up a piece. Show it to an arts teacher and to an academic teacher. Perform. Yes. Ultimate Frisbee Forehand, backhand, hammer. Come learn. Tomorrow, after school. Yay sports! […]
Daily Announcements for 9/1
Senior Parent/Student Meeting All Seniors should plan to attend an important meeting next Tuesday, September 8th, at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. Information about a variety of senior year topics will be discussed. Mandatory Ambassadors Meeting There will be a very important mandatory Ambassadors Meeting tomorrow at 2:30 pm in the cafeteria. See Ms. Montgomery […]
PTO Meeting is September 8!
Join the PTO! It’s easy. Come to a meeting and see how you might be able to contribute your time and talents to the school’s success. Our first meeting of the year is September 8 at 7 pm at the school. You may also wish to complete this interest survey to see where you might be needed.
Daily Announcements for 8/31
Twelve Angry Jurors Main Street starts off its 2015-2016 main stage theater season with the acting intensive drama Twelve Angry Jurors. The show opens the second weekend in November, so we gotta get rolling on auditions! Auditions will take place next Tuesday, the 8th and Wednesday, the 9th. If you’re interested in acting in or […]
Infinite Campus – Go Mobile!
Your mobile access code has changed from last year or from the information you’ve been provided. Update your app with the following code: CQJSYK
Welcome Back!
Welcome to our new site & welcome back! We’re looking forward to seeing all the students next week! If you haven’t gotten it already, click here to download the 2015-16 Back to School Packet