I have a BFA in illustration and I am thinking about going back to school and getting graphics design degree. I also an trying to start a ceramics business.
When you think about your time at PiM/MSSPA, what is the one thing that sticks out?
It was a great experience being surrounded by people of different cultures and backgrounds. It has made me more empathetic to all people and their struggles to this day.
What was one thing you feel MSSPA/PIM prepared you for?
Driving in the cities! Having to make the trek after school to downtown Minneapolis for play practice is an experience I'll never forget.
What is something that you were surprised to discover MSSPA/PiM prepared you for?
Going through feedback in theater class with Mr.Leaf prepared me for artist critiques in college. It helped me not get defensive when people questioned what I did and helped me process the information they were sharing with me.
Are you doing what you thought you would be doing?