When you think about your time at PiM/MSSPA, what is the one thing that sticks out?
The incredibly unique and welcoming environment. There was never a day at MSSPA where I didn’t feel like I was at home.
What was one thing you feel MSSPA/PIM prepared you for?
Performing in live settings, networking and connecting with likeminded creatives, expressing myself through music.
What is something that you were surprised to discover MSSPA/PiM prepared you for?
Tough question. Joke answer? Recreational Quidditch Leagues. Real answer? Spending time with people I care about, and constantly searching for new ways to express myself.
Are you doing what you thought you would be doing?
In some ways, yes. In others, no. But I wouldn't be where I'm at if it wasn't for MSSPA.