Currently cast as Donna Elvira for the upcoming spring opera Don Giovanni at University of Memphis. Just finished participating in a summer YAP in Italy. Work in Human Resources on the side of my studying.
When you think about your time at PiM/MSSPA, what is the one thing that sticks out?
The compassion of the faculty. I learned so much about life from the faculty, not just the subject they taught. I always felt super supported while studying there, and I would never have found my path as a vocal artist had I not received that support. I’m incredibly grateful.
What was one thing you feel MSSPA/PIM prepared you for?
College as a performing artist. There’s a balance in college of academics and performance that I think MSSPA did a great job teaching at a younger age. When I went into college I was already familiar with the concept so it wasn’t a hard stretch to make it work there too.
What is something that you were surprised to discover MSSPA/PiM prepared you for?
Auditions. I never really appreciated it, but having to do no-shame auditions really helped me audition for the future with less stress. That, and I got a really good piece of advice: “the job isn't about the yes, it’s about the No.. the yes is just your break” I kept that in mind with a relatively unsuccessful audition season a year ago, and this year I did exceptionally well on all of my YAP auditions (4/5!!!) so it really bounces and you can’t let the no’s stop you. I think originally I thought I would be performing by now, but I understand the importance of furthering my education before jumping into the field. Gives me more time to develop. But I am still in the same general area of that, which is really cool. My first year at MSSPA I didn’t really know what I wanted, but senior year I decided to go for operatic singing and I am so glad that I did.
Are you doing what you thought you would be doing?
I think originally I thought I would be performing by now, but I understand the importance of furthering my education before jumping into the field. Gives me more time to develop. But I am still in the same general area of that, which is really cool. My first year at MSSPA I didn’t really know what I wanted, but senior year I decided to go for operatic singing and I am so glad that I did.