When you think about your time at PiM/MSSPA, what is the one thing that sticks out?
It saved my life. I was struggling and bouncing between schools, when I found MSSPA and did a tour my mom literally said "Welcome home". Sure i wasn't the best student or the nicest kid but it is because of Main Street that I am still here. I owe every day to the teachers at MSSPA.
What was one thing you feel MSSPA/PIM prepared you for?
Auditioning for jobs, dealing with different people and learning how to behave in the "real" world
What is something that you were surprised to discover MSSPA/PiM prepared you for?
Being flexible within my chosen field. as an actor I can also build sets, stage manage or direct. Allows me to stay in theater!
Are you doing what you thought you would be doing?
In a way, sure. I knew I wanted to stay in the arts, and I am, just in a different way!!