When you think about your time at PiM/MSSPA, what is the one thing that sticks out?
The amount of performing arts put into place to help us retain information for a test. History, math, science, you name it! We were free to be our own creative selves.
What was one thing you feel MSSPA/PIM prepared you for?
Teaching (Special shout out to Mrs. Lee). I’m so aware of the different learning styles that everyone has. I can utilize different creative ways to help my scholars remember things we talked about that week, month, and year!
What is something that you were surprised to discover MSSPA/PiM prepared you for?
During quarantine I grew bored, as did many. I wanted to find that creative spark I had to remain busy and entertained. A friend and I made a live social media dance workout class that lasted about 6 months that helped pass the time, bring families together, and get people moving.
Are you doing what you thought you would be doing?