Word of the Day
Word of the Day
Givi Stoner’s word of the day is marauder. Which is an animal or person who roams around looking for something to steal or destroy. Marauder.
The next NO SHAME is Friday, April 18th. Applications are accepted on a first come, first serve basis and submissions close at the end of the school day on Friday, April 4th – the first Friday after we return from Spring Break. The April and May NO SHAMES tend to fill very quickly so the sooner you complete and turn in your application the better chance you have of being in the show. Remember, you need to successfully perform your piece in its entirety for one academic and one arts teacher as part of the application process. Applications are in Mrs. McKnight’s room (Room 155 – Choir).
Good Ones Magazine
Good Ones Magazine will be on sale today during all lunches! We accept cash, card, and Apple Pay. Read all about your peers by picking up your copy of Good Ones today!
Trans Council
Trans council will be held today during 5th block. Join us in silly mad libs and making paper stars!
Any Given Day
The Social Justice through Movement Class will be performing their fully realized final pieces “Any Given Day” this Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the White Box. This is a free event that we will be fundraising at for future opportunities for our dance majors. Come support your peers as they comment on the world around us through dance that strives to create change in our society. See you there!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize 12th grade vocal major, Louis Ingolfsland. Louis is a passionate and committed musician in PiM Singers and works hard to make any artistic endeavor they take on successful and positive. Thank you for all you do for PiM!!
Today’s Lunch
BBQ Meatballs
Mashed Potatoes
Assorted Salad Bar
Whole Grain Roll
Birthday Cake Grahams
Chilled Fruit Cocktail
100% Fruit Juice
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option
Veggie Garden Burger w/Ketchup