Word of the Day
Givi Stoner’s word of the day is ataraxia. Which is to be free of worry, a state of calmness. Ataraxia.
Quarter 3 Course Surveys
Don’t forget to complete the course surveys for each of your classes this quarter. The course survey link can be found in your Advisory Google Classroom.
Trans Council
Trans council will be held tomorrow during 5th block. Come hang out, make paper stars, play mad libs, and celebrate queerness!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize 10th grade Visual and Media Arts major Maleah Schneider. Maleah, your positive attitude, compassion for others, and hard work show up in everything you do. Thank you for brightening PiM!
Today’s Lunch
Buffalo Chicken Nuggets
Ranch Dip
Cheddar Crisps
Assorted Salad Bar
Fruit Cup
100% Fruit Juice
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option
Twisty Stuffed Breadsticks w/ Dip