Word of the Day
Givi Stoner’s word of the day is licotic. Which is being excited to introduce a friend to something you think is really cool or amazing. Licotic.
Book Garden Mural
The PiM Student Council invites students to submit mural designs for the new Book Garden – a bookshelf mural space to inspire reading, creativity, and community. The winning design will be painted over Spring Break! Please find a poster around the school and scan the QR code to submit your ideas. Designs due by Monday the 17th winners determined by Wednesday the 19th.
PAINTERS NEEDED we will be painting over spring break and need volunteers.
Instrumental Music Concert Tonight
Tonight’s the night! Come to the Instrumental Music concert tonight and start your weekend off right! It’s got everything: An original composition about a couch and a mouse, music for pieces of wood, Clairo, Tears for Fears, Bossa Nova, Funk, and so much more! Sound starts at 7pm in the White Box. Tickets are $5 for students/ $12 for Adults.
PSST! Did you hear? This year’s Prom theme is “Under the Stars”! Get your outfits ready—Prom is just around the corner!
Join us for a magical evening on April 26 at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. Stay tuned for more details!
Good Luck Grams
Today is the last day you can purchase Good Luck Grams for your pals. Wish your friends luck next week by sending them a gram. Grams will be sold during lunches today.
Hayden’s Houses Capstone
Hey PiMsters, do you like building miniatures?? Hayden Anderson is constructing a tiny town and needs YOUR help! Come build a tiny house that represents YOU. Sign up for Sunnie’s Flex in Room 121 next Tuesday.
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize a twelfth grade Visual and Media Arts major and Student Leader of Diversity Club, Roxia Laird! Your performance and leadership role in the Celebration of Black Excellence was captivating! Your hard work and dedication was evident in the artistic expression of both you and your peers. Thank you for sharing your creativity, passion, and beautiful energy with our community every day.
Today’s Lunch
Mini Cheese Pizza Triangles
Assorted Salad Bar
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option
Mini Waffles & Omelet