ACT Accounts
Juniors – if you haven’t already created your ACT account and completed the non-test portion, you need to do that this weekend.
Thank You!
Next Week’s Schedule
ACT and PreACT testing is on Tuesday. If you are taking the test you know that. If you are NOT taking the test, you have the day off from school. Again, only the students participating in the ACT and PreACT tests should come to school on Tuesday.
Book Garden Mural
The PiM Student Council invites students to submit mural designs for the new Book Garden – a bookshelf mural space to inspire reading, creativity, and community. The winning design will be painted over Spring Break! Please find a poster around the school and scan the QR code to submit your ideas. Designs are due by Monday the 17th. Winners will be determined Wednesday the 19th.
Open Gallery Call
Do you create a lot of character-focused art? Work with character design or animation? Emily Quigg is hosting a Character Art Showcase in the main gallery! Submissions are open now through March 16th, and all mediums & majors are welcome! Selections will be made by artist, meaning all artists will have a chance to show a collection of pieces! She is also looking for character design and animation work to be displayed digitally. You can find the form on your major & Advisory Google classrooms!
Singin’ in the Rain
Singin’ in the Rain at the Old Log Theater is playing tonight and Saturday at 7:00 pm. Tickets are available on the PiM website.
Colorguard at Richfield High School
Did you know that as a student at PiM you are eligible to participate in a State Championship Colorguard? The Richfield High School “Marching Spartans” are proud to extend membership in their performance ensemble to students currently enrolled here at PiM. The “Marching Spartans” colorguard is an essential part of the Richfield High School Marching Band and was awarded first place at last year’s State Championships in Alexandria, MN among all 14 competitive groups. The colorguard performs dance work along with flag choreography to depict musical and visual themes presented by the band. The group rehearses during the Spring and travels during the month of June throughout the State competing at parades and other special events. We will be hosting an information meeting possibly next week. Listen to Monday’s announcements for more information.
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize a tenth grade Instrumental Music major, Henry Neal. Henry always exhibits dedication, perseverance, and joy in everything he does. In Modern Ensemble this quarter, Henry has always been prepared and ready to take on the next challenge. The energy, determination, and quiet-humor Henry brings everyday is infectious for everyone around him. Keep being you, Henry!
Today’s Lunch
Fresh Baked Pizza Slice
Assorted Salad Bar
Large Crisp Varietal Apple
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option
Fresh Hot Cheese Pizza