Summer Internship Opportunities!
Step Up
The Step Up application for summer 2025 is now open. Step Up offers internships for Minneapolis youth ages 14-21. You can earn money, get real job experience, gain confidence and explore great careers! You must be a Minneapolis resident. The deadline is February 14th, so apply now if you are eligible! Details and links are on Google Advisory Classroom.
The cities of Hopkins and Minnetonka are looking to recruit young adults ages 16-24 to apply to our ACE Internship Program this summer. The ACE program offers a paid summer internship for youth who might traditionally face barriers to employment, to gain valuable work experience, expand their skillset, and get a head start in a career path that interests them.
Details and links for both of these programs are on Google Advisory Classroom.
Questions? Ask Soskin!
Clothing Swap and Book Drop
Thank you to everyone who has brought in clothing and/or books so far! You have until Friday to clear out your closet, dresser, and bookshelf. The Clothing Swap will take place next Tuesday during flex and block 5. Come check it out. NHS thanks you.
Black History Month Showcase Auditions
Auditions for the Black History Month Showcase will happen this Thursday during flex in Ms. Weber’s room (124). Join Weber’s flex, grab an audition form from Monty and come prepared to perform/show your piece.
Optimism Scholarship
Are you an optimist? Has optimism helped you get to where you are today? The Eden Prairie Optimist Club’s scholarship is open right now for submissions! Come to Syd’s Thursday flex to write a short essay about your optimism for the chance to win $2,500!
Genres Show
Submit your artwork to the next Main Gallery show, Genres! We have categories for everything under the sun.Do you like to draw Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Futurism pieces? Submit under Fantastical! Or maybe you like painting about friendship, love, and relationships, that’ll go under Human Connection. Look to the posters outside Millers room (Room 131) for our updates on submission numbers. Deadline is next Monday February 10th.
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize a 9th grade Musical Theatre major – Kaia Stenzinger. Kaia, your enthusiastic greeting to your classmates every morning in English is a surefire way to brighten people’s days. We see the way that your involvement in class activities encourages other students to be involved as well. You make a difference!
Today’s Lunch
Asian Noodles Bowl
Teriyaki Noodles with Asian Sesame Chicken
Assorted Salad Bar
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option
Big Daddy’s French Pizza Bread