Word of the Day
Givi Stoner’s word of the day is fragmentary. Which means, in parts. Fragmentary.
Schedule Changes
As today is the first day of Quarter 3, Ms. Klein will be available to answer questions about schedules. Students who have an empty block, are double booked, in a class they already passed, or who have not passed a prerequisite to be in the class can connect with her during that block to choose a class. Ms. Klein will be in the cafeteria during blocks 1, 2, & 4. During the 3rd block, she will be at the desk in Omernik’s classroom. A reminder: students can only request a schedule change for the first 3 days of the quarter. Schedule Change forms are due by 3:30 pm on Thursday, Jan 23rd. Schedule change forms can be acquired in the front office.
Missing Ring
One of your peers has lost a ring that is very sentimental to them and they would love to have it back. It is a silver wrap around cat ring with blue jewel eyes. The student’s parent is offering a $20 reward (which is more than the ring is even worth) if it is returned. If you’ve seen it or have this ring in your possession, please return it to the office. No questions will be asked!
Black History Month Showcase
Join Monty and the Diversity & Inclusion Club during flex this Thursday to learn about auditions for PiM’s annual Celebration of Black Excellence showcase happening on February 23rd. We will perform for the school during the day and we’ll have one evening performance at Eden Prairie Mall in the rotunda.
Q3 Refresh
Welcome to 3rd quarter. We’re halfway through the year! Here are some important reminders:
Let’s use school appropriate language in the building. Monty is tired of hearing the F-bomb and there is no place for curse words in the building;
- Only 2 students out of class at any time and you must have created a SmartPass. Pay attention when you select “Create Pass”. If there are too many passes out, you will be placed in a waiting line;
- No passes during the first and last 10 minutes of the block;
- During Daily Announcements all devices should be put away and everyone should be actively listening;
- During classes, all electronic devices should be put away until you have explicit permission from teacher to have them out;
- Choose your flex! You have a week to select a flex and can change it up until the day before. At that time you are not allowed to move to a different flex;
- Students should not be visiting friends in other classes. This is disruptive to the student and to the class that you are visiting;
- Everyone is expected to remain in the cafeteria for the duration of your lunch period even if you aren’t eating;
- If you are in the building after school you must remain in the cafeteria unless you are working with a teacher or are in rehearsal;
- Be kind, be inclusive, make a new friend, and have a great 3rd quarter!
Monster Calls
Today PiM sends the show A Monster Calls to compete in subsections for the Minnesota One Act Theatre Festival. If you see a cast or crew member today, tell them to break a leg! Also mark your calendars for next thursday, January 30th, where they will have a public performance in the white box at 7pm. It’s free! SO once again, come see A Monster Calls on thursday January 30th, at 7pm in the white box.
ACT and PreACT Registration
Tomorrow is the LAST day to register for the ACT and PreACT which will be taking place in March. Information and registration form can be found in your Advisory Google Classroom. Questions? Email Schau.
Today’s Lunch
Golden Corn Dog
Whole Grain Chicken Corn Dog served with Ketchup
Assorted Salad Bar
Frozen Fruit Cup
100% Fruit Juice Box
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option
Cheese Calzone