Word of the Day
Amy Stoner’s word of the day is forfend. Which is to protect using precautionary measures. Forfend.
Graduating Seniors
Good Ones Magazine wants to share your plans for next year and your artwork in our final issue of the year! Please go to your advisory Google Classroom and fill out the form so we can honor your accomplishments in the pages of Good Ones Magazine! Make sure you submit your form by May 17th to be included in the magazine.
Student Medications
With the end of the school year on the horizon, all student medications need to be picked up. Students are able to pick up medication at the end of any school day through the last day of school, May 30th.
The health office will contact families about any medication that is left behind at the end of the year to coordinate a pickup time/date. Medication that is not picked up by the end of June will be disposed of.
If you checked out a Chromebook this year, it is time for you to prepare to return it to the office! We will begin collecting Chromebooks on Tuesday, May 28th. Please make sure that when you return your Chromebook, you bring your charger as well—every Chromebook that was checked out was checked out with a charger. Students with unreturned Chromebooks will be fined $350.
Letter Jackets
It’s that time of the year! If you have lettered in your discipline and you are interested in ordering a letter jacket, stop by The Callboard and pick up an order form. – Make sure to set up a sizing appointment with Mr. Leaf – during Block 4 – so you get the right size of jacket. – All orders must be turned in by Thursday, May 23rd. Products will be available for pick up at PiM the week of August 19th. Talk to Mr. Leaf if you have questions.
Graduating Seniors
Tomorrow is the last day you can submit your speech for speaking at graduation. Get it done!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize 9th grade Media Arts major Kaylie Stangret! Kaylie has such a positive attitude and is not only always ready to lend a helping hand, but is always eager to learn something new. She is a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. Thank you for being you, Kaylie!
Today’s Lunch
Chicken Corn Dog
Whole Grain Bun
Assorted Salad Bar
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option
Buttermilk Pancakes
Colby Cheese Omelette