Word of the Day
Amy Stoner’s word of the day is snerdle. Which is to stay cozily wrapped in blankets for a little longer. Snerdle.
PiM Singers Auditions
PiM Singers Auditions start today! You can find audition information in your Advisory Google Classroom or see Mrs. McKnight in the choir room. Auditions are 10 minute individual slots before school and during all lunch periods. Auditions start today and go through Tuesday, January 16th.
Anime Club
Welcome back! We will be meeting on Friday (that’s tomorrow) in Mrs. Kanavati’s room (that’s room 203). See you then!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Raven Van Zinderen and their team of volunteers for the amazing new mural in the cafeteria! It turned out beautifully and we appreciate how you’ve made your mark at PiM!
Today’s Lunch
Greek Nachos
Seasoned Beef
Corn Tortilla Chips
Tatziki Sauce
Assorted Salad Bar
Vanilla Chat Snax
100% Fruit Juice
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option:
Stuffed Dipping Bites
Italian Dip