Word of the Day
Amy Stoner’s word of the day is saturnine. Which is a term for someone or something that expresses gloom. Saturnine.
Good Ones Magazine
Today’s the day! Good Ones Magazine will be on sale in the cafeteria during lunch. You don’t want to miss out on the first issue of the year! We accept cash, card, and Apple Pay.
Lost Girl One Act Play
Are you interested in participating in the Competition One Act Play this year? Auditions are coming up next week and open for everyone. Join the Google Classroom for more information and to claim an audition spot. The code is 7wgn2gz.
Course Surveys
Don’t forget to fill out the course survey for each of your courses! Form link can be found in your Advisory Google Classroom. Your teachers appreciate the feedback.
PiM Schedule
Remember, the next two days are Early Release days. School gets out at 12 noon. No lunch will be served. Monday is Marking Day. There is no school for students. Tuesday will be the first day of Quarter 2. We will not have FLEX on Tuesday. Advisory will be first, then Block 1, 2, 3, 4.
Voice of PiM – Quarter 2
Email Mr. Leaf if you are interested in being a Voice of PiM for Quarter 2.
Today’s Lunch
Walking Taco
Nacho Cheese Doritos
Seasoned Beef
Shredded Cheese
Assorted Salad Bar
Chat Snax
Choice of Milk
Vegetarian Option:
Bean Nachos