Word of the Day
Amy Stoner’s word of the day is canities. Which is the whitening or graying of hair due to age. Canities.
NO SHAME Gallery
Thank you to everyone who submitted! If you submitted a physical work, please bring it to room 143 (Sunnie’s room) by the end of school today!
Teacher Awards
NAHS would like to present teachers with awards for Teacher Appreciation week next week! Please complete the voting form ASAP. We will need to tally votes so the deadline for voting is Friday at 2:30. One vote per teacher please, and thank you!
Do you want $2000 a year for 4 years to help pay for your college or university? Apply for the PiM Legacy Scholarship, and your college will get a $2000 check each year for 4 years to help pay for your tuition. That’s $8000.00. You would not walk past a stack of money on the street, don’t let this stack slip through your fingers. Find the poster with the astronaut and scan the QR code to apply for the Legacy Scholarship.
Prom Tickets
Juniors and Seniors, this year Prom tickets will be sold on PiM’s website this year. Just search for Prom and you will find it. Remember students that do not go to PiM MUST have a guest form filled out. You can find them in the office.
Prom Guest Forms
Prom Guest Forms are now available from Junior & Senior Advisors. Prom Attendees are allowed to bring 1 outside guest. Guests must be between the ages of 14-20 years old. If your guest is still in high school we must have parent permission and your guest must get their principal’s signature. If your guest is no longer in high school we at least need emergency contact information. Completed forms are due to Ms. Montgomery by the end of the school day on Thursday, May 18th.
Today’s Lunch
Spicy Chicken Patty Sandwich
Bakery Bun, Ketchup & Mayo
Assorted Salad Bar
100% Fruit Juice Box
Choice of Milk