Word of the Day
Amy Stoner’s word of the day is xylograph. Which is an engraving in wood. Xylograph.
Gallery Etiquette
The visual and media department want to express the importance of gallery etiquette. It is the expectation that students do not eat in the gallery or touch the artwork. It is important in keeping the space clean and professional. There is also fragile artwork that could be easily broken by accident. Please do not eat your lunch on theMain gallery floor, and try your best to keep all food out of the gallery. Thank you!
Senior Scholarships
Graduating Seniors: This Wednesday, April 28th is the last day to sign up for scholarships. Look for the “Senior Things” posters hanging around the school, and scan the QR code. Go get that money!
Help plan your Graduation Ceremony
Graduating Seniors: In your Advisory Google classroom there is a Google form called Help Plan your Graduation 2023. This will determine which teacher will speak at your graduation, what song you will leave the auditorium to and what will be used as your class quote on the program. The form will stop accepting responses on Friday April 28th, that is this Friday. Thank you in advance for sharing your opinion.
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize a ninth grade Instrumental Music major – Jai’Leah Tieva, for being such an engaged thinker and learner. Jai’Leah, we appreciate your critical thinking skills and the way you introduce new questions and ideas to class discussions. You are easy to talk to and show kindness and loyalty to those around you. You make PiM a better place!
Today’s Lunch
Spicy Chicken Nuggets w/ Ketchup
Sweet Chili Doritos
Assorted Salad Bar
Cinnamon Apple Slices
100% Juice Box
Choice of Milk