Word of the Day
Alex Stoner’s word of the day is palindrome Which is a word that is spelled the same backwards as it is forwards. For example, tacocat. Palindrome.
Welcome Back
We are excited to have you back in the building. We hope you were able to rest up and get recharged as we finish out Quarter 2. Make sure to wear your mask and wash your hands with soap and water.
Eco Club
Eco club is planning a Fashion Show with clothing and accessories made from recycled materials. There is an informational meeting Wednesday, January 5th in room 204. Be there!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize a 10th grade Musical Theater major. Paige Murray, you are randomly recognized for your positive attitude. Thank you for spreading sunshine through the halls of PiM. You rock Paige!
Tomorrow’s Lunch
Beef Hot Dog on a Whole Grain Bun
Vegetarian Baked Beans
Strawberry Applesauce Cup