Word of the Day
Alex Stoner’s word of the day is anachronistic. Which is belonging to a period other than that being portrayed. Anachronistic.
Hey PiMsters! The PiM Transgender Student Alliance is open to all trans, nonbinary, intersex, or genderqueer students and their allies! PiM TSA meets every Friday 5th block. Hope to see you there!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Malone McLaughlin for her superb TA-ing skills! Thank you for being prepared and supportive when working with the students. You helped Quarter 3 Dance Technique I & II run smoothly and did an outstanding job being a peer leader and mentor Malone, thank you!
Today’s Lunch
Meatball Hoagie w/ Marinara &
A Whole Grain 5″ Hoagie Bun
Mixed Vegetables
Fresh Banana
Strawberry Banana Applesauce
ALTERNATE: Chicken Cheddar Wrap