PiM’s 1st Virtual NO SHAME
Have you made your NO SHAME video yet? PiM’s first ever Virtual NO SHAME video will be released on Friday, May 8th. All submissions need to be emailed to noshame@pimartshs.org by Friday, May 1st. Come and share a bit of your quarantine life, NO SHAME style.
AP Tests
If you are in any AP class, you should’ve received an email from the College Board informing you about the changes to AP testing during this time. Didn’t get the email? Sign in to your MyAP account to get more information. Please let Schau know if you have any tech needs.
School Schedule
This is a reminder that this Thursday is conferences. Teachers will be meeting with Parents on Google Hangouts from 9am-12pm and 3pm-6pm. Then Friday is Staff Development day, so there is no school. Monday the Governor has given the day to teachers, so they can plan for Distance Learning.
Shout Outs
Shoutout to Alex Stoner for his hard work on music projects, you are appreciated Alex!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Cass Duthler for always giving 100% in her Show Choir performance videos, even adding costumes! Her feedback to her peers is consistently positive and on point. Thank you Cass, for inspiring us through your energy and commitment to your art!