Valentine’s Day Dance
Hey PiM students, looking for a fun way to spend your Valentine’s Day? Come to the PiM Valentine’s Day Dance and dance the night away with your fellow students! There will be food and drinks, and a student DJ! Don’t have a partner to bring? Not a problem! This dance isn’t just about romantic love, but about the love you have for yourself and your friends and community, so bring whomever you’d like! Tickets will be sold the week of the dance during lunch. Hope to see you all there!
Schedule for the Rest of the Quarter
Tomorrow you will have your Block 1 and 2 finals, Thursday Blocks 3 and 4 – both days are early release days, school gets out at 12 noon. There is no school on Friday because it is Teacher Marking Day. There is no school on Monday because we will be observing Martin Luther King Junior. We will see you on Tuesday for the start of Quarter 3!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Joelle Cartwright, for her maturity, her sense of humor, and her dedication to both her craft and her academics. Thank you, Joey, for being a great example of how to “do school.”
Today’s Lunch
Chicken & Sprouts w/Brown Rice
Cheese or Veggie Pizza
Mixed Fruit