Course Surveys
Don’t forget to take some time to fill out your course surveys- one for each class. The feedback given is shared with both your teacher and the admin team and we love to hear how your experiences in the classroom are going.
Storm the Stage and Improvisation Show
Sketch comedy is coming to you on Monday night! Come see the Advanced Improv class perform original work and long form improv! Right after intermission! The show starts at 7:00pm with selections from this quarter’s Musical Theatre and Theatre classes. Come see what’s brewin’ and stay for Advanced Improv’s “The Unforeseen Consequences of the Industrial Revolution.” – Oh, that smells like improv!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize a tenth grade Instrumental Music Major – Ryan Vodak! You have been randomly recognized for being YOU! Thank you for being part of our PiM community!
Today’s Lunch
Cheese Enchiladas
Deli Sandwich Line
Mexican Corn