Volunteer Opportunity to Serve on the Youth Advisory Board at MoveFwd!
Apply for an awesome opportunity to serve on the Youth Advisory Board at MoveFwd, a nonprofit serving adolescents with mental health and housing options for youth experiencing homelessness. See Piner or Soskin for details.
Quarter 1 Course Surveys
There’s still time for you to complete quarter 1 course surveys! There should be a link for them in your advisory google classrooms. These surveys are really helpful in providing valuable feedback for your teachers so they know how they’re doing. You will have until Friday to complete them. Thanks!
Halloween Costumes
It’s ok to wear a costume – just no masks.
It’s ON! Friday, 7 PM, White Box, 5 bucks. Have the time of your life.
Prom Committee
Do you enjoy decorating? Well then join the Prom Committee. Our first meeting is this Thursday during Advisory. Let Ms. Piner know you are interested and she will send a pass for you!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize… PiM Faculty and Student body for making Ms. Ciancio’s Student Teaching a memorable and educational experience. She has learned a lot and will cherish every moment she spent with each of you. Thank you for all of your hardwork and dedication to the arts. Have a wonderful second quarter.
Lunch Assignments for Q4
Here are your lunch assignments for this quarter. If you have the following teachers for block 3 this quarter, you will have Lunch A; Johannsen, Omernik, Ciganko, Raasch, B Thompson and Klemme. If you have the following teachers for block 3 this quarter, you will have Lunch B; Jenniges, Brady, Cole, Flory, Mollick, Sima and Deignan. If you have the following teachers for block 3 this quarter, you will have Lunch C; Paster, Fabisch, Thomson, Mortika, Dupay and Leaf (Yes Acting 1 – that is a change).