It’s really happening! You’ve worked hard, your fees have been paid, and your detentions have been served. Come to pick up your graduation tickets on Thursday BEFORE school in the cafeteria!
Summer Training at PiM
Hey all, you should check out the poster on the call board that lists all of the great summer classes going on in July here at PiM. You could learn how to do some great Stage Combat with swords or take a playwriting seminar or a Musical Theatre Masterclass with Tyler Michaels!
Chamber Singers Auditions
ALL majors who want to share the gift of their voice are encouraged to audition for next year’s Chamber Singers. You can expect the Mollicks to take you up and down the range of your voice and a couple other things. Please prepare a song, accompanied or not. We just want to hear you sing. Sign up for an audition slot on the cafeteria callboard for next Wednesday or Thursday.
Tomorrow MORNING is the deadline for NO SHAME applications. If you haven’t shown your piece to your teachers, you might want to do that very soon!
Attention All Sophomores Who Had Omernik for English II, Block 3 2nd Quarter
If you had Omernik block 3, quarter 2, please report to A lunch tomorrow, then go to Room 121 for the NWEA Reading Test.
Tomorrow is Cosplay Day!
Welcome to PiM-Con. This is the day to dress up as your favorite character or celebrity, whether it is a superhero, video game, anime, or TV/movie character, or anything in between! May the (twenty) fourth be with you.
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Mr. Popp for placing 60th out of 1500 in the Fargo Marathon. Way to be fast, Mr. Popp! Thanks also to Mr. Popp, for always making himself available for Block 5 meetings that help ALL students build academic and social success. You’re awesome, Mr. Popp!!