The speech team is meeting today after school in Ms. Omernik’s room. Be there!
Ugly Sweater Week
Hey there, ugly sweater connoisseurs. Rock your ugliest sweaters to show support for Special Olympics MN. While you’re at it, make a donation in your advisory. The winning team will get donuts!
Musical Theater Showcase
On January 13th, come and support your musical theater peers and students traveling to Panama! Tickets will be sold in advance by Panama travelers. Come for the music, stay for the dessert!
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Rebekah Rentzel! Ms. Rentzel has been Ms. Cadwell’s student teacher for Quarter 2. Ms. Rentzel completes her commitment to PiM tomorrow, just before winter break. We wish you well, Ms. Rentzel!