Ukulele Club
We’ve got chords for songs from Moana, Frozen, Toy Story 2, Mary Poppins…and we probably have your favorite. Guitarists welcome, too. 2:30, Room 250.
Speech will be having a short meeting after school tomorrow in Room 252. It is VERY important that you come to discuss if you are going to be competing this weekend. Questions? See Mr. Edman.
GSA Guest Speaker
Permission slips are available from Mr. Edman in Room 252. You MUST have a signed permission slip in to Mr. Edman by next Monday in order to come to the Block 4 portion of this speaker. The guest speaker will be here Block 4 until 3:30. Questions? See Mr. Edman.
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Saharla Vetsch and Cheron Whittley for doing so much for this school and for being such amazing people to be around.
Today’s Lunch Menu
Chicken Rotini
Deli Sandwich Line