Blood Drive
ATTENTION, BLOOD DONORS! If you are all set to donate blood and you are 16, please make sure that you have filled out a parent consent form and return it to Ms. Ciganko ASAP. If you haven’t received one, see Ciganko immediately! You CANNOT donate without one!!!
One Act Performances
The Studio Series Presents “Frostbite” in the Lower Level, next Thursday, the 16th. There will be two shows; one at 4:30 and one at 7 pm. Wrap up those sophomore juries. Then come and see a terrific show between conferences. Pay what you can.
Random Recognition
Random recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Zoe Wolsky and Meave Donahue for helping Ms. Ciganko after school with random projects. Your help was much appreciated! Also, congratulations to all of the waffle breakfast attendees for a job well done! A special shout out to Olivia Frauendienst and Aubrie Robinson for helping with set up.
Today’s Lunch Menu
Pre-Ordered Bag Lunch