Financial Aid Meeting
A Financial Aid Officer from St. Thomas will be here next Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 7 pm for an information session. All Juniors and Seniors and their parents are encouraged to attend.
Calculus Breakfast
The final calculus breakfast will be tomorrow at 7:15 am in Room 250. We’ll review techniques of differentiation.
Geeks Club
Hey, everyone! Geek’s Club will be meeting this Friday! Come and hear what ideas we have for this new exciting year! Room 252 at 2:30 this Friday.
3rd Quarter Course Schedules
Hey there, students, take a look at your schedule for 3rd quarter. Course change requests, Self-Directed-Study applications, and Teacher Assistant applications are all due before the end of this quarter. Please see Mrs Erickson in the office to get started. Ms. Tonjes also has some of the forms.
We will be having a speech team meeting after school today in Ms. Omernik’s room. Bring your potential pieces and a friend. It’s not too late to join!
Ukulele Club
In the event of an apocalypse, you can transform your ukulele into a flamethrower. Come by Room 250 at 2:30 today for more details. Remember kids, safety first!
Today’s Random Recognition
Random Recognition celebrates the achievements and community efforts of you and your peers. Today we recognize Samme Rahn for delivering 2 boxes of heavy books to Ms. Miller’s room and Nadia Emmes for being a bright and happy person and making others laugh.
Today’s Lunch Options
Chicken Spaghetti
Deli Sandwich Line
Honey Glazed Carrots